Here are some language notes I originally prepared for the 2023 LSA Summer Institute. With a simple mindset, considering that many syntacticians study "general" syntax while only relying on English, these notes may serve as a reference for me to reach beyond those confines and embrace a wider world of language and thought. That said, these are not syntax notes, but rather notes on the form of different languages. Here, I don't want to argue about what syntax and form mean from my point of view. Since these notes were originally prepared for personal use, the language may be informal, the notation may be non-standard, and the format is not in LaTeX. So I plan to refine these notes into a version that better aligns with the standards of scientific communication and synthesize them into a single file in the future, just not right now. However, I absolutely welcome any corrections! While reviewing these notes, I have more than once come across stupid mistakes I made in the past—whether due to my lack of familiarity with a language, typos, or simply my brain not working while taking notes… Anyway, may we all find joy in learning languages and in language itself—its paradoxical gift, the cage that shapes our flight.